Maison Cent Vingt-Trois is involved with
the Fondation des Femmes against
violence towards women.
The Fondation des Femmes is the benchmark organisation in
France for women's rights. It advocates the freedom and equality between men and
women and fights against the violence which they are victims of.
Thanks to the gifts that they have received and the actions which they put in place,
they bring financial, legal and material support aux initiatives associatives à fort
for associated initiatives with a large impact. International Women's Day,
Maison Cent Vingt-Trois has decided to support the Fondation des Femmes
collaboration avec l'illustratrice Marie Guillard une gamme de produits en coton
des Femmes and has created a range of products from biological cotton in collaboration with
illustrator Marie Guillard to accompany women in their everyday lives.
100% of profits from the sale of these products will be passed on
to the Fondation des Femmes.

Maison Cent Vingt-Trois engages
with and defends great causes :