Summer suitcase


The essentials for your destination

Because planning your holiday outfits can sometimes be a headache, we help you select the best pieces based on your destination.
Take a deep breath, and all that's left for you to do is enjoy your long-awaited holiday.

The big blue

Beach, sun, and relaxation are on the agenda. The disconnection is complete, and the gentle lapping of the waves is the soundtrack of the summer.

Our must-haves

A beach dress

A gingham shirt

A straw bag

A breton shirt

Going green

The calm of nature invites you to take the time to rediscover the delights of summer and enjoy a nap in the sun.

Our must-haves

A linen shirt

A shirt dress

Denim bermuda shorts

Flowy jeans

Urban getaway

In the maze of alleys, the city reveals its secrets and hidden spots for an enchanting journey

Our must-haves

Wide-leg trousers

A colourful blouse

A lightweight dress

A banana 

Thinking about the essentials